All generator sets require regular maintenance and services performed to keep it running at its peak efficiency and to prevent failure. The key to keeping your generator maintained is to set up a planned maintenance schedule. This maintenance schedule should include all manufacturer-recommended testing, inspections, maintenance and service.


What Does a Successful Planned Maintenance Schedule Include?

To create a successfully planned maintenance schedule you should have regular intervals of when you will perform necessary maintenance, service, testing, and inspections. By having a regular schedule that is followed, it makes it far easier to plan ahead for when your generator will be down. This allows you to make accommodations based on the regular services that are required.

Utilizing regular intervals also makes it easier to line up technicians to perform the required testing, inspections, maintenance and service. You can line up technicians well in advance, or even share your planned maintenance schedule with the technician so you know they will be there when they need to. You can even work in bulk pricing with your technician to reduce maintenance costs of your generator!


What Testing Will be Required?

The required testing for your generator will depend on the manufacturer’s instructions. You should always follow the guidelines set by the manufacturer to ensure your generator lasts as long as possible and runs at peak efficiency.

Typical testing will include Load Bank Testing, Confidence Tests, and Fluid Analysis. Load Bank Testing is conducted to ensure your generator is running efficiently. This is done by placing the generator under load while recording the efficiency.

A Confidence Test is to ensure your generator will not fail anytime soon. This is done by placing the generator under load based on your facilities requirements and running the generator for a set period of time. This will ensure there will be no hiccups in your operations.

A Fluid Analysis is to ensure all of the fluids within your generator are not contaminated. This is typically done through a laboratory. These tests will help to determine the maintenance and service required for your generator.

Keeping a planned maintenance schedule with your generator will ensure your operator will have a schedule you can depend on. If you have any questions about setting up your planned maintenance schedule you can always give us a call or send us an E-Mail and one of our experienced staff members will be happy to help you!